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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lobortis purus sed risus euismod, ac accumsan.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lobortis purus sed risus euismod, ac accumsan.

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Vi bygger varaktiga relationer mellan kandidater & företag

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lobortis purus sed risus euismod, ac accumsan lectus congue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce quis mauris turpis.

Nulla non massa eget quam gravida auctor. Praesent eget dignissim orci. Praesent nec posuere tortor. Curabitur non imperdiet justo. Mauris faucibus enim urna, in tempus neque gravida vestibulum.

Sök jobb

Publicerade jobb 

Junior Front End Developer

Space Code – Alfta, Gävleborgs Län – Se lista

Product Manager

Elegant Bygg – Söderhamn, Hälsingland Län – Se lista

UX Researcher

Digi Corner – Helsingborg, Skåne Län – Se lista


“Jobbie helped me prepare for the job hunt and found me the perfect position in a matter of weeks! Professional and communicative every step of the way!”

Placed Candidate

“Jobbie helped me prepare for the job hunt and found me the perfect position in a matter of weeks! Professional and communicative every step of the way!”

Placed Candidate

“Jobbie helped me prepare for the job hunt and found me the perfect position in a matter of weeks! Professional and communicative every step of the way!”

Placed Candidate

“DiviLeads helped me prepare for the job hunt and found me the perfect position in a matter of weeks! Professional and communicative every step of the way!”

Placed Candidate



4 + 3 =

Jobbie Sverige AB

Sundstorget 2
252 21 Helsingborg

Storgatan 22
262 34 Ängelholm


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